manufacturing characteristics中文什么意思

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  1. Feature technology is one of cad / capp / cam core technology since it has superiority on the expression of parts " information which includes parts " shapes , structures and manufacture characteristics
    由于特征技术在表达零件的形状、结构以及制造特性上有着无以伦比的优越性,因而已成为cad / capp / cam集成的核心技术。
  2. The bending stress and the contact stress of the circular arc gear and involute gear are also analyzed and compared . secondly , according to design and manufacture characteristic of the micro - gear , the direct design method called “ deviation function ” is proposed
  3. In this paper , combining with the manufacture characteristics of the thermal power plant , it studies the functions about the management system for economic operation of the thermat power plant , takes blocking structure inte grated with the thermal power plants das system
  4. Abstract : in this paper , combining with the manufacture characteristics of the thermal power plant , it studies the functions about the management system for economic operation of the thermat power plant , takes blocking structure inte grated with the thermal power plant ' s das system
  5. So it may improve market imitative power , and hold vantage point in the drastic competition . comparing with flowing manufacturing , discrete manufacturing characteristic is low continuity much species and complex logistic . so this paper wish it explore a content control model integrating system theory cybernetics and extension theory


  1. manufacturing cells 什么意思
  2. manufacturing center 什么意思
  3. manufacturing change 什么意思
  4. manufacturing change note 什么意思
  5. manufacturing change request 什么意思
  6. manufacturing chemists association 什么意思
  7. manufacturing city 什么意思
  8. manufacturing company 什么意思
  9. manufacturing computerintegratedd 什么意思
  10. manufacturing concern 什么意思


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